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Join the Battle for Current Science, Justice and Common Sense

The methane science accord is between

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Methane Science Accord - No tax on Methane - Sheep
Methane Science Accord - No tax on Methane - Dairy Cow
Methane Science Accord - No tax on Methane - Beef Herds

We are calling for ZERO taxing of ruminant methane.

All policy on ruminant methane emissions must be based on current science. As research findings on methane’s impact on the atmosphere are still evolving it is critically important for farming, for rural communities and the New Zealand economy that recent scientific results are recognised and, unless shown to be false, are adopted locally and internationally.

We reject the GWP100 standard for measuring methane as outdated and unscientific and accept the IPCC’s AR6 Report making clear that new science states ruminant methane’s warming ability is exaggerated by 300 to 400%. More recently scientific results released by Happer and Wijngaarden and supported by Sheahen, Coe, May, Allison, Fabinski, Weigleb, Schildknecht et al show conclusively that ruminant methane is too insignificant to have any measurable impact on global temperatures.

We, therefore, reject any attempts to apply any form of taxing or restrictions on ruminant methane unless the most recent findings are proved to be erroneous.

Methane Science Accord Campaign Founders:  Jane Smith, Hamish Carswell, Deborah Alexander, Derek Daniell, Hamish Bielski, Helen Mandeno, John Sexton, Hamish de Lautour, Neil Henderson, Owen Jennings

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20 December 2024:  Open Letter to Silver Fern Farms

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